Testimonials from around the world

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I am responsible for a large number of existing buildings here in Havana and I know the problems with scale incrustations very well. Many of our buildings, some of which are very old, have very significant problems with blocked pipes. Through the representative of the German company for Cuba, we became aware of Sialex. As a first step, we bought some first rings in 2017 and had them installed in our building. The results were not long in coming. After only one month, we noticed considerable amounts of deposits in the filters, which required periodic cleaning of the filters from then on. Eight months after the installation we can assure that no filters need to be cleaned anymore and also the pipes are free of any deposits. We at PALCO IMMOBILIARIA are very satisfied with the result and will successively equip other existing buildings with Sialex.
Engineer Gerardo Castro Martín, Technical Director, Real Estate Company PALCO IMMOBILIARIA | Cuba
I have been using a ring from Phoenix Ring Manufaktur in my private house, which is about 60 years old, since 2013. We were able to notice many improvements in the daily area immediately after installation. But we were really convinced only when the water supply line was renewed for the house , where, among other things, the old water pipe in front of the ring was replaced. You could clearly see a difference here. The pipe section in front of the ring was almost covered with lime deposits, behind the ring and as a result in the full effective range of the system almost like new. Quite brilliant this thing.
Jost Breuer | Germany
We from the Evangelical Church Community Groß-Zimmern have been using the Sialex®Ring technology in the water supply of our fountain since 09.06.2020. Initially a little doubtful, we as a community but also many members of the community were really convinced by the test phase. The scale has almost completely disappeared both inside the fountain and on the beautiful sandstone. We could also reduce the addition of chlorine to a not trivial quantity. We are very satisfied with the results but also with the service provided by the competent customer consultant Hans-Walter Link.
Evangelical Church Community | Germany
We have been using the Sialex®Rings for many years, both in our production and also privately in our own house. Although we are located here in Ober-Ramstadt in a rather hard water region, we have had no more problems with scale in the cooling circuit or in our machines since then. In the past, we have often recommended the systems from Phoenix Ring Manufaktur to others, and many of my employees now also have such a system. As far as I know, they are all satisfied.
Thomas Dörr, CEO of Dörr CNC GmbH | Germany